Read the article below.  When you have finished reading, answer the questions as a comment to the blog post.

1.  What personality trait is your strength?  Why?
2.  What trait is your weakness?  Why?  How can you work on improving this weakness?
At the beginning of this class, you researched several careers.  You will be using that information again.
Your next assignment is to choose one of those careers that you researched and become a recruiter for that profession.  It will be career day in class next Thursday.  As a recruiter you will be required to present your career in a persuasive manner.  You must create a multimedia presentation to show the class using Power Point.  You can have 4-7 minutes to see how many people you can get to join your profession.

 Your presentation should include at least 7 slides with information on your career.

Get as creative as you can but be as informative about the career as you can.

 Be persuasive!

1.  Open Microsoft PowerPoint.    Select File →   Save as →   Career Collage.

2.  Choose a career from any previous assignment and develop a presentation about it.

3.  Include a title using Word Art or large type.

4.  Include clip art (check MS online clip art gallery) and pictures from the Internet.
5. Include graphics related to the occupation, including: tasks, education, training, tools, uniforms, lifestyle, etc.

Presentation Rubric:
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