Once you have identified desirable and undesirable skills, reflect on the following questions:

1.  Was Trump consistent in the skill sets he listed, or was there evidence that he contradicted himself from week-to-week?

2.  Did Trump have good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills?

3.  How do Trump's preferred employee skills compare to the Basic Skills Survery from CHOICES?
Ryan Murray
2/26/2013 10:47:01 pm

1. I think that Trump was consistent in the skill sets he listed.
2. Trump sometimes had good evidence when he labeled people in the boardroom.
3.Trump's preferred employee skills differ from the skills on the Basic Skills survey.

Brendan Conneely
2/26/2013 10:49:37 pm

1. No I believe he continued to be consistent with the skills he was looking for in his future president. Only adding more skills and pointing out other peoples weakest skills.

2.Yes he certainly always had a reason for pointing something out, he didnt just accuse someone of being lazy if he had no evidence to back it up.

3. How certain people can lead Trump's company in certain ways by negotiating, hands on work or with leadership skills.

Tyler Alexander
2/26/2013 10:50:44 pm

1. I think Donald Trump was consistent in the list of skill sets. Each week he eliminated the person that performed the worst and had a lack of leadership ability and did not communicate the ideas well.
2. Yes, he did have good evidence how the person did not perform well enough as the others did or the fact that the person did not show the qualities he wants.
3. The skills in the survey do match up with Trump’s preferred employee skills. The skills that match are leadership, confidence in speaking and team support.

Nicholas DeFelice
2/26/2013 10:50:56 pm

1) I think Trump was consistent inthe skill sets he listed from week to week. He added more skills but did not change them.
2) Yes i think he did have good evidence as to who had what skills and who did not.
3) the preferred employee skills are simalar but also different than the Basic Skills Survey from the choices program.

Elina Arakelyan
2/26/2013 10:51:11 pm

1. Respect, leadership, communication.
2. Lack of communication, not successful as a leader, no respect to workers, immaturity, bringing emotion, sexuality.
3. Potential, dedication to work, successful work, and the important that never give up.

Bryan Volpe
2/26/2013 10:51:54 pm

1. I believe that Trump was consistent in firing the candidates; for each candidate that he fired exhibited similar faults. Sam failed to lead his team to sucess, and was deemed as unreliable as a result of this. Additionally, Bowie was eliminated due to the fact that he failed in merchantise sales which he was accountable for. In essence, both of these people failed to get the job done.
2. Trump had good evidence when he made the executive decision to fire people. Trump pointed out that David was very intelligent, but very unsucessful in marketing the product. Also, he pointed out the Sam leaded very irratically, and made bad decisions that effected the team.
3. Critical thinking as well as artculation are two skills that are needed to be sucessful on the show and in life. Many of the individuals on the show were required to interact with customers, and other bussinessmen. Also, many of them needed to come with ideas on whim to win challenges. Both of these skills were preferred by Trump.

Tim Carstensen
2/26/2013 10:52:06 pm

1. Trump was consistent in the skill set he listed except when he added more desirable skills with each challenge.

2. Yes, Trump had good evidence for each person from each challenge when they were in the boardroom.

3. Trump's preferred employee skills are the same as some skills and are different than other skills from the Basic Skills Survey.

2/26/2013 10:52:11 pm

Mina Surprenant

1. Was Trump consistent in the skill sets he listed or was there evidence that he contradicted himself from week-to-week?

Trump was consistent in the skills he listed and he fired the people who didn’t present those skills during each task. He did not contradict himself because for every week he used the same skills to determine which person performed the worst and who should be fired.

2. Did Trump have good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills?
Trump did have good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills. /he provided the people with examples to how each person followed or didn’t follow certain skills, and if he didn’t have good evidence to back up his opinion, he wouldn’t label them as having or not having skills. Trump was also very professional because he labeled and judged people based on their performances, not by what he thought of them on a personal level.

3. How do Trump's preferred employee skills compare to the Basic Skills Survery from CHOICES?
Trumps skills are more specific to what one needs to do to be successful. His skills show relationships in business as well as how to do business itself. His skills also tell you what you need to do to become a successful person and how to perform well in your job. The skills shown in the Basic Skills Survey are skills that one has, unlike the skills Trump mentions which are skills to learn and you may not already have them, but need to obtain them in order to be successful.

Joe Kempsey
2/26/2013 10:52:44 pm

1. I think Donald Trump was consistent in the skill sets he has listed from week to week.

2. Donald Trump had good evidence for some of his labeling, but when he let Sam stay the second time, he made a mistake.

3.Donald Trumps preferred employee skills compare to the Basic Skill Surveys by his hands-on skills, but also different in ways as well.

John Muldoon
2/26/2013 10:53:20 pm

1) I think Donald Trump was clear in what he wanted from the contestants week to week. He wasnt biased he stuck to what he likes not only in a worker but a person.
2) Yes, Trump had good evidence because when he didnt like something whether it was poor leadership or poor execusion he let the contestants know. He also based who stayed and who left off those principles.
3) They are similar by when the ask for good social skills when people are trying to make a deal they need good social skills.

Sandra Wilson
2/26/2013 10:53:35 pm

1. Trump was consistent in the skill sets he listed. There was a common theme of teamwork and showing leadership qualities. Trump usually fired the one person who did not show leadership as project manager or the person who did not contribute enough to the team effort to try to win the task.
2. Trump had good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills. He used specific actions to make his decision on whether he would fire someone or not. The actions took by the people in every task either show desirable employee skills or undesirable skills. He would fire the person who showed the most undesirable skills during that task.
3. Trump’s preferred employee skills are similar to the basic skills survey from CHOICES. The basic skills from the survey are reading comprehension, active listening, writing, speaking, mathematics, science, critical thinking, active learning, learning strategies and monitoring. The basic skills that are needed as an employee also are active listening, speaking, critical thinking, active learning and monitoring. Most of the employee skills are needed in order to be a leader.

Phil O'Meara
2/26/2013 10:53:41 pm

1. I do think that Trump was consistent in the skill sets he listed because he shows that he eliminates the candidates who don't step up and take control and help the team achieve goals.

2. Yes I think that Trump has good evidence when he lables them by there skills in the board room because Trump has the two other judges who follow the teams around and give him examples of how they demonstrate good and bad skills.

3. Trumps skills don't really compare to the skills in the CHOICES Basic Skills Survery because Trumps skills require you to work with a team and be a leader, but in the basic skills survey the skills required are individual specific skills. Trumps skills can relate to the basic skills survey because his skills require an educated person who can complete specific tasks while working with a team.

Haley Giaramita
2/26/2013 10:54:26 pm

1. Overall Trump was consistent in the skill sets that he listed. He mentioned strong leadership many times as being an important skill, along with a few other skills that he stressed.

2. When in the boardroom, Trump always had explanations and examples from the previous task to back up his comments on the skills. He never commented on someone’s skills without a reason.

3. Trump’s preferred employee skills are similar to the basic skills survey in having leadership and confidence and knowing how to negotiate well, which are all important skills needed to be successful.

Chris Bachman
2/26/2013 10:55:05 pm

1. Trump was inconsistent while listing the skillsets because some of the skills of the people did not reflect why they were or were not voted of the show. For example, Sam was held on the show much longer than he should have been.

2. Trump was not consistent when he labled people for having certain skills or lacking them. He did not pick up on the skillsets which some people had or did not have.

3. Most of Trump's employability skills were reflected in the Basic Skills Survey. Most of the contestants had many of the needed skills to become successful such as being a good speker.

Brendan Conneely
2/26/2013 10:55:14 pm

Quotes on Success Journal

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out...~ Robert Collier
This quote means that in order to be successful you must be consistent with effort and work and you will one day reach your goals. You will reach success after many small efforts that you make every day for an extended period of time. This quote relates to careers because you realize you’re not going to get your dream job overnight or become a millionaire.

Behind every successful man there's a lot of unsuccessful years. ~ Bob Brown ~
This quote means that a man who is successful has gone through many bad years and hardships to get to the point of where he is now. People who are successful now had to do work hard for a long time in order to accomplish their goals. This quote relates to this class because we learn that when times are tough you will eventually get past them and reach success and happiness.

Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want. ~ Anthony Robbins ~
This man believes that in order to be successful you don’t need a lot of money or other nice luxuries. All you need to do is have a free will and then you can enjoy your life and be successful. This sort of relates to this class because so long as you pick the right career and you enjoy what you’re doing then you are successful.

Cara Martin
2/28/2013 10:16:38 pm

Cara Martin
Miss Edwards
Career Exploration
February 27, 2013
Donald Trump’s Employability Skills Assignment
1. I think Donald Trump knows what he wants in his apprentice, and weather he fired someone for one reason one week, but kept another person who failed the same way on a different week, that’s because he sees more potential in the person who stayed. That person who stayed’s pros outweighed their cons in Donald Trump’s mind.
2. Donald Trump has the evidence from the task to see skills, or if that exact skill he was talking about is not shown than he has enough experience himself to infer an individual’s skills.
3. Donald Trump, and the Survey skills both show that a person needs the Desirable skills of confidence, creativity, drive, negotiation, a person needs to be a hard worker, a natural born leader, able to be proactive and understand larger concepts in order to succeed in a career field.

Monica Kapiti
2/28/2013 10:18:31 pm

1. I think Trump was consistent week to week, but as the weeks were going by he expected more from the workers.
2. Yes, he did have evidence he asked the coworkers about how they felt the task went and who was slacking off or not doing the right thing.
3. Trump`s preferred employee skills and the Basic Skills Survey from CHOICES both show what kind of personality and how hard of a worker you are and how much you can achieve.

Sean Mahoney
2/28/2013 10:19:12 pm

Was Trump consistent in the skill sets he listed or was there evidence that he contradicted himself from week-to-week?

Yes, I think Trump was consistent in the skill sets he listed week-to-week. Trump’s skill set focused on negotiation, respect and leadership. Although some rounds Trump fired the project manager and other round he did not, he was still consistent in what he wanted to see from the contestants.

Did Trump have good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills?

I think Trump had some good evidence but I don’t think that it was a good idea for Trump to fire Jason over Sam in week two. Jason made one mistake that week and Sam made many. I think if Trump actually watched the men that week, he would’ve seen Sam is insane and a poor worker. At least Jason tried; Sam just went to sleep.

How do Trump's preferred employee skills compare to the Basic Skills Survery from CHOICES?

Trump’s employee skills are at a higher skill level than my results from the Basic Skill Survey. Trump wants someone who can speak well, stick up for themselves and is a good critical thinker. My skills are mostly in science and mathematics, not the categories a businessman would have.

Kayla Moreau
2/28/2013 10:22:33 pm

1. Yes, Trump was consistent in the skill sets he listed. This is because for each task that the contestants needed to complete, there was an overall theme of a set of skills that were needed to win. For example, the private jet task needed advertisement skills, the restaurant task needed social skills, and the buying random items task needed negotiation skills.

2. Yes, Trump had good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills. This is because he stated the skills that were expected of the contestants before the challenges began. When the contestants failed to display these skills, he brought it up in the boardroom and gave the contestant(s) a chance to defend themselves. This was good evidence because he had a specific instance to prove when these skills were not met.

3. Trump’s preferred employability skills were more specific than the Basic skills survey. For example, negotiation skills and advertisement skills. In comparison, the Basic Skills survey had more broad and general skills like reading comprehension, writing, and speaking.

Roger Camacho
2/28/2013 10:23:07 pm

1. no he was not consistent when selecting ho gets fired. also week after week he did contradict himself.
2. yes he clrealy siad oh you did thid right and oh this was not the right decision. like when he pointed to one of the team leaders it was stupid mistake not to meet with the ceo of marqui jets.
3. they all need to show some sort of leadership quality at of all the skills in the survey donald is looking for the person who has strnghts in each one of those skills

Matthew McCahey
2/28/2013 10:24:09 pm

1. Was Trump consistent in the skill sets he listed or was there evidence that he contradicted himself from week-to-week?

Yes, Donald Trump was consistent with the skill sets he listed; he always made the Project Manager have some blame. I think that he knows what he wants to see in his apprentice.

2. Did Trump have good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills?

Yes, Trump had excellent evidence. He knows what he wants to see. Even though I think he should have fired Sam instead of Jason in the third episode. Sam was not the hard worker or a team leader that Jason was.

3. How do Trump's preferred employee skills compare to the Basic Skills Survey from CHOICES?

Donald’s employee skills are the same with CHOICES, one of the skills that match up is being a leader.

Peter Thornton
2/28/2013 10:29:28 pm

1. He was consistent with his skills that he wanted in a future president.
2. Yes he did have good evidence in the board room about peoples skills
3. The skills in the survey do match up leadership, teamwork and a good negotiator.

Mykola Duda
2/28/2013 10:52:03 pm

Mykola Duda
Donald Trump’s employability skills

1. Was Trump consistent in the skill sets he listed or was there evidence that he contradicted himself from week-to-week?

I would say that Trump was consistent in the skills he listed. Trump was looking for leadership and the ability to work with other and control chaos.

2. Did Trump have good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills?

I would say that trump at times did have enough evidence to fire or keep the people in the board room. At times though I think his calls were unreasonable such as when he didn’t fire Sam for sleeping on the floor all day.

3. How do Trump's preferred employee skills compare to the Basic Skills Survey from CHOICES?

I would say that some of his skills compared but other didn’t as much.

3/3/2013 10:32:12 pm

1. Yes I believe Trump Was consistent from week to week with the task he listed.
Yes Trump was very Consistent and fired the one that was
2. Yes I think he did because he had good evidence about the ones that had more skills.
3. It is similar in which both surveys working together is important, Communication and leadership.

Mike Mahoney
3/3/2013 10:35:44 pm

• “It's simply a matter of doing what you do best and not worrying about what the other fellow is going to do”- M.H. Anderson
o I agree with this quote. If you do something that you don’t like or that you are not good at you will not be satisfied. In life if you do what you do best you will succeed and probably have a better life. If you just go with what everyone else is doing you may not succeed as much and you will waste your talent. This is true with jobs and careers as wel as with sports.

• “Character is more important than intelligence for success”-Gilberte Beaux
o I agree with this quote. If someone is very smart and has the intelligence to do anything they want but doesn’t try, they won’t succeed. Also, if someone is not naturally smart but they work as hard as they can and do the best they can do, they will most likely succeed.

• "Behind every successful man there's a lot of unsuccessful years."- Bob Brown
o I agree with this quote. The only way to see success in your life is to have failures. Without failure there would be no success. Success is measured by how far you were from where you started or how far you are from failure. Everyone has to fail before they can succeed.

Mike Mahoney
3/3/2013 10:37:45 pm

1. Was Trump consistent in the skill sets he listed or was there evidence that he contradicted himself from week-to-week?

Yes Trump was consistent on the decisions that he made. He said at the beginning of the second task that you always must negotiate with the boss. Jason didn’t negotiate with the boss and that is why Trump fired him.

2. Did Trump have good evidence when he labeled those in the boardroom as having or not having skills?

Yes he used examples from the task. He knew that Kwame had good leadership skills because he saw that he lead the men right to a location in the first task. He gave examples for all of his reasoning

3. How do Trump's preferred employee skills compare to the Basic Skills Survey from Choices?

He expects the employees to have more speaking, active listening and active learning skills in everything.


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